12 December 2024: Séminaire GAT, UPJV, Amiens, Intégralité cohomologique pour les représentations des groupes réductifs , abstract, notes
6 November 2024: Groups, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, Cohomological integrality for symmetric quotient stacks , abstract, notes
11 October 2024: PG Colloquium, Edinburgh, Cohomological integrality isomorphisms, abstract, notes
8 October 2024: MAGIC Seminar/Rep theory seminar, Imperial College, London, Cohomological integrality for symmetric quotient stacks, abstract, notes
12 September 2024: Séminaire Arithmétique et géométrie algébrique, IRMA, Strasbourg, Intégralité cohomologique pour les représentations des groupes réductifs, abstract, notes
26 June 2024: AG Seminar, Utrecht, Cohomological integrality isomorphisms, abstract, notes
2 April 2024: NAG Geometric Representation theory seminar, SLMath, Berkeley, The BPS sheaves and quiver varieties, abstract, notes, Video
22 March 2024: Séminaire Groupes, Représentations, Géométrie, Paris, Le faisceau BPS pour les espaces de modules, abstract, notes
7 March 2024: Colloquium, UCLA, Los Angeles, Counting representations of algebras, abstract, notes
19, 21, 22, 23 February 2024: M-seminar, Kansas State University, Cohomological Hall algebras of 2-Calabi-Yau categories and applications, abstract, Plan of the lectures, Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Recording 1, Recording 2, Recording 3, Recording 4
29 January 2024: Five-minute talks, SLMath (MSRI) Berkeley, Cohomological study of moduli stacks, slides, presentation script
23 November 2023: Algebraic geometry seminar, Liverpool, BPS Lie algebras and action on the cohomology of Nakajima quiver varieties, abstract, notes
21 November 2023: Séminaire d'algèbre et de géométrie, Caen, L'algèbre de Lie BPS, abstract, notes
8 November 2023: Groups, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, Nonabelian Hodge isomorphisms for cohomological Hall algebras, abstract, notes
17 October 2023: GRIFT Seminar, Edinburgh, Instantons and AGT, notes
16 October 2023: Algebra and Geometry Seminar (HKUST), Hong-Kong (online), Cohomological integrality for 2-Calabi-Yau categories, abstract, notes
28 September 2023: Dublin Mathematics Colloquium, Cohomological integrality for 2-Calabi-Yau categories, abstract, notes
4 July 2023: 14th Ukraine algebra conference (online), 3 - 7 July 2023, BPS algebras and generalised Kac-Moody algebras from 2-Calabi-Yau categories, slides
5 June 2023: VBAC webinar (online) Nonabelian Hodge isomorphisms for stacks, notes
10 March 2023: Séminaire SPACE, Tours, Comptage des représentations des algèbres lisses, notes
9 March 2023: Séminaire GaTo, Amiens, Comptage des représentations des algèbres lisses, notes
17 February 2023: MFO, Oberwolfach, BPS Lie algebras for 2-Calabi-Yau categories and positivity of cuspidal polynomials, notes
9 February 2023: Colloque tournant du GDR TLAG, Reims, Positivité des polynômes cuspidaux, notes
27 January 2023: Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Montréal, The BPS Lie algebra of 2-Calabi-Yau categories, notes
27 January 2023: Séminaire du LACIM, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, L'algèbre de Lie associée à un carquois, notes
18 November 2022: Séminaire Groupes, Représentations, Géométrie, Paris, Algèbres de Hall cohomologiques et théorie de Hodge nonabélienne champêtre, notes
29 March 2022: Affine Springer fibers Reading Group, Edinburgh, The equivariant cohomology of Affine Springer Fibers, notes
21 March 2022: EGRET Seminar, Edinburgh, The top-CoHA of a curve, notes
17 March 2022: GdT Dualité Symplectique, Orsay (online), Perverse sheaves and hyperbolic localization, notes, expanded notes in French.
2 February 2022: SERG Reading group, Edinburgh, Localization of equivariant cohomology, notes
29 october 2021: Hodge club, Edinburgh, Hall algebras, notes
25 october 2021: Séminaire d'algèbre, IHP, Paris (online), (Canonical) bases of the elliptic Hall algebra, notes
7 october 2021: Hodge seminar, Edinburgh, Polynomiality of the number of representations of the modular group, notes
11 June 2021: Italian Representation Theory Seminar (online), Perverse sheaves with nilpotent singular support for curves and quivers, notes
3 June 2021: Séminaire de la Tortue, Genève, The degree zero BPS Lie algebra of a curve, notes
17 May 2021: Oberseminar Lie Theory Bochum (online), Cuspidal functions and Lusztig sheaves for affine quivers, notes
7 April 2021: Réga (online), Algèbres de Hall, notes
15 September 2020: Journée des doctorants de l'équipe AGA, Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay, Caractérisation microlocale des faisceaux de Lusztig pour les carquois affines
19 February 2020: Thematic trimester program on Representation theory, IHP, Seminar Young researchers, Microlocal characterization of Lusztig sheaves for extended Dynkin quivers
22 January 2020: Séminaire des doctorants, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Polynômes de Kac d'un carquois
16 October 2019: Séminaire quantique de Strasbourg, Les fonctions cuspidales sur le champ de représentations d'un carquois