Categorified Donaldson-Thomas theory. From October 2023, the seminar is funded by the Royal Society.
Thursday, October 12th, 2pm: Nick Williams (Lancaster), Donaldson-Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland-Smith correspondence
Thursday, October 26th, 4pm: Andrés Ibáñez Núñez (Oxford), Canonical polynomial filtrations and stratifications in moduli theory
Thursday, November 2nd, 4pm: Chenjing Bu (Oxford), A theory of type B/C/D enumerative invariants
Thursday, November 16th, 2pm: Till Wehrhan (Bonn), Chevalley-Monk formulas for bow varieties
Thursday, November 30th, 2pm: Eric Ahlqvist (Edinburgh), Good Moduli Spaces in Derived Algebraic Geometry
Thursday, November 30th, 2pm: Eric Ahlqvist (Edinburgh), Good Moduli Spaces in Derived Algebraic Geometry
Tuesday, August 20th, 2pm: Arkadij Bojko (Taipei), Universal Virasoro constraints for additive categories, Slides
Monday, October 3rd, 4pm: Jan Pulmann (Edinburgh), On deformation quantization of moduli spaces of flat connections.
Monday, October 17th, 4pm: Lucien Hennecart (Edinburgh), Structure of cohomological Hall algebras
Monday, November 7th, 4pm: Tommaso Botta (ETH), Cohomological Hall algebras and stable envelopes of Nakajima varieties
Monday, November 14th, 4pm: Shivang Jindal (Edinburgh), Equivariant Cohomological Hall Algebras and Yangians
Monday, November 28th, 4pm: Henry Liu (Oxford), Multiplicative vertex algebras and wall-crossing in equivariant K-theory
Monday, April 3rd, 4pm: Tomasz Przeździecki (Edinburgh), Hall Algebras and Quantum Symmetric Pairs
Monday, May 15th, 4pm: Qingyuan Jiang (Edinburgh), Derived projectivizations and Grassmannians and their applications
Friday, October 15th, 2pm: Ben Davison, Nonabelian Hodge theory and cohomological DT theory I
Friday, October 29th, 2pm: Ben Davison, Nonabelian Hodge theory and cohomological DT theory II
Thursday, November 11th, 3pm: Dougal Davis, An introduction to shifted symplectic geometry
Friday, November 26th, 2pm: Naoki Koseki, Cohomological chi-independence for Gopakumar-Vafa invariants
Thursday, December 9th, 2pm: Sasha Minets, Mirror symmetry and compactified Jacobians
Monday, March 14th, 3pm: Dougal Davis, Elliptic Quantum Groups, Notes
Monday, March 21st, 3pm: Lucien Hennecart, The top-CoHA of a smooth projective curve, Notes
Monday, March 28th, 3pm: Sebastian Schlegel Mejia, Hyperkähler cohomology and BPS cohomology, Slides
Wednesday, April 20th, 3pm: Sarunas Kaubrys, Global DT perverse sheaf and lens spaces, Notes
Wednesday, April 27th, 3:30pm: Wenjun Niu, Mirror symmetry of 3d N=4 abelian gauge theories (online), Slides
Wednesday, May 4th, 3pm: Tasuki Kinjo, Deformed Calabi--Yau completion and its application to DT theory, Notes
Monday, May 9th, 3pm: Kostya Tolmachov, Koszul duality and geometric Hecke categories
Monday, May 16th, 3pm: Brian Williams, A holomorphic approach to fivebranes
Monday, May 23rd, 3pm: Pavel Safronov, The DT sheaf on shifted symplectic schemes and deformation quantization
The seminar takes place somewhere, in Edinburgh. Time indicated is Edinburgh time. It is also broadcasted on Zoom. Details are communicated by email. Feel free to contact one of the organizers to be added on the mailing list!
Organizers: Ben Davison, Lucien Hennecart, Shivang Jindal
Previous organizer(s): Sebastian Schlegel Mejia